Protecting Your Super package

The ins and outs of the Protecting Your Super package

This year, the federal government introduced laws called the Protecting Your Super package. It’s a big deal because it addresses important changes to superannuation that are here to stay. In fact, there’s even been an industry-wide campaign about how it’s time to check your super. 

The package aims to protect Australians from super balances becoming eroded by fees and/or premiums in accounts that aren’t being used. And, as a result, encourages us to start being more actively involved with our super. 

Why get involved in your super

It can be easy to set and forget or even lose track of our super. In fact, as at 30 June 2018, approximately 39% of Australians had more than one super account.

And it’s not uncommon to forget what benefits (like insurance) are included with the account after joining a super fund, as well as how much you’re paying in fees and/or premiums. These fees or insurance premiums can then start to diminish any money in an account that’s not being actively used. 

So, the PYS laws were designed to:
  • make sure people don’t continue paying for insurance cover they don’t know about, and
  • protect low balance super accounts from being eroded by fees.

What’s in the PYS laws?

The PYS laws cover three main areas:

  1. Insurance inside inactive super accounts
  2. Inactive super accounts with a low balance
  3. Fee limits on super funds.
1. Insurance inside inactive super accounts

Many superannuation plans include insurance as part of their offer. It’s often general cover that’s provided to a set group of people (like employees who sign up to their employer’s super plan). 

Under the PYS laws, super providers are required to cancel the insurance in any super account that’s considered inactive (meaning the account hasn’t received any contributions or rollovers for 16 continuous months). 

Before they cancel, your super provider must tell you that you’re at risk of having your insurance cancelled and give you the opportunity to choose to keep your insurance. You can stop your insurance being cancelled by letting your super provider know in writing. If you have more than one super account that’s at risk of being cancelled, you’ll need to let them know in writing for each of the accounts. 

Making a super contribution or rollover into an account that’s considered inactive will also stop the insurance cancellation from going ahead – unless the account becomes inactive again for 16 months. Making regular contributions can prevent this. It’s always important to consider your circumstances before making a contribution or rollover. 

2. Inactive super accounts with a low balance

The PYS laws require super providers to transfer any accounts with a balance of less than $6,000, and no contributions or rollovers for 16 continuous months, to the ATO. Some exceptions apply to this, including if you have insurance inside your super account. 

If your super is transferred to the ATO, you’ll be able to reclaim it from them. You can do this by logging into your MyGov account and using ATO Online Services. 

The ATO may also transfer your super money into another super account you hold. This could happen if your other account has received a contribution or rollover within the current or previous financial year, and the balance after the transfer will be $6,000 or more. 

3. Fee limits on super accounts

Another way PYS laws protect super accounts from erosion, is by limiting fees charged by super providers. This includes: 

  • Capping fees for accounts with low balances – administration and investment fees will generally be capped at 3% pa for accounts with $6,000 or less at year end.
  • Banning exit fees – super funds are no longer allowed to charge exit fees, so you can now switch your super account any time without paying a penalty, although other fees may apply.ii

For any questions about how the Protecting Your Super package affects please contact us at (08) 8231 4709 or

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Zac Zacharia (Managing Director) has been assisting clients to create wealth and secure their futures for over 14 years.

He is also an accomplished presenter and educator

Co-authoring the popular investment book, Property vs Shares.