Combat-style training is a great way to improve your cardio fitness and build muscle strength, but repeatedly throwing punches at a sandbag can leave your joints worse for wear. However, that’s set to change thanks to the rise of aqua boxing.
The latest fitness trend – made popular by the likes of Rumble boxing gym in New York – involves hitting vinyl bags filled with water rather than sand in order to reduce joint pain and decrease your risk of injury. Since your body is met with less impact, you’re able to hit the bag for longer, which means you can spend more time perfecting those left hooks, jabs and uppercuts.
Sound like your kind of workout? H2O-filled bags are starting to appear in some high-end Australian gyms, such as the Virgin Active club in Sydney’s Barangaroo, but if the trend hasn’t hit your local yet, there are plenty of water-filled options to be found at sports stores and online retailers. Get ready to rumble!