Category: Retirement


What super fund members should know when comparing returns

Why you need to compare apples with apples on super fund performances and fees. If you’re one of the roughly 16 million Australians with a managed superannuation fund account, you…

Financial Planning Retirement

Why You Should Set Up a Family Trust

There’s a common saying that you should ‘begin with the end in mind’ – this is especially true for property investment. The problem is that too many investors begin their investment…


Spending your kids’ inheritance

Many Australians expect an inheritance, but their parents may have a different view.  Around one in two Australians have received or expect to inherit money or property, either from their…


Most Australians are failing the retirement test

Here are four basic retirement questions many people struggle to answer correctly. They are four fairly basic statements related to Australia’s retirement income system that every working and retired person…


How to get into the retirement comfort zone

A third of Australians retire without a plan. Here’s why you should have one. Working and generating a stable income can be described as a comfort zone for most Australians….


A super contributions deadline you won’t want to miss

If you plan to get more into your super this financial year, act very quickly.  If you’re aiming to make a personal superannuation contribution before the end of the current…

Retirement Superannuation & SMSF

How to end the financial year on a high note

As the financial year draws to a close, it’s the perfect time to review your financial affairs and set the stage for a successful new financial year. By taking care…


Your 30 June superannuation checklist

Five easy ways to get more into your super fund before the end of the financial year. With the end of the current financial year fast approaching, time is running…

Retirement Superannuation & SMSF

Who will pay for your retirement?

With an aging population and ever-decreasing government resources, Australians are looking at being less reliant on the social security safety net and planning personal strategies to give themselves comfortable financial security…


Transitioning into retirement: What you should know

If you’re close to retirement, chances are you’ve already spent time thinking about how to tap into your superannuation when you retire. Broadly speaking, you have a few options when…

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Zac Zacharia (Managing Director) has been assisting clients to create wealth and secure their futures for over 14 years.

He is also an accomplished presenter and educator

Co-authoring the popular investment book, Property vs Shares.