Month: October 2019

Education Loans and Finance

What is a split home loan?

It’s simply dividing your home loan into two or more loans. For example, let’s say you have a $200,000 home loan. You could divide your loan into one portion being…

Financial Planning

Millennial females to be hit hard by lack of financial fitness

Australian Millennial females are spending up big on their physical health but turning a blind eye to their financial health, putting themselves at serious risk of never achieving true financial…

Budgeting Financial Planning

5 ways to avoid going broke before payday

Rushes of “payphoria” are sweeping over the nation, with new research from global small-business platform Xero revealing that many Aussies are feeling the pinch in the lead-up to the pleasure…

General Insights

Australia by the numbers – September 2019

One great source of data about Australia. Become better acquainted with the country we love.  An up-to-date snapshot of Australia's vital statistics.

Education Loans and Finance

What is a repayment holiday?

Exactly that. A period of time where you don’t make any repayments on your home loan. Usually it’s a time when your financial situation changes… for example maternity leave, and…

General Insights Superannuation & SMSF

ATO opens applications for SG exemption

High-income-earning SMSF trustees with multiple employers will be able to apply from mid-October to gain exemptions from super guarantee contributions, according to the ATO.

Centra Wealth Group
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Zac Zacharia (Managing Director) has been assisting clients to create wealth and secure their futures for over 14 years.

He is also an accomplished presenter and educator

Co-authoring the popular investment book, Property vs Shares.